Praying, Planning & Preparing

February 27, 2024

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Romans 8:31

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Suva, the capital city of Fiji, on the beautiful island of Viti Levu.  Suva is a port city with British colonial architecture.  One of the largest urban centres of the South Pacific, Suva was founded in 1849 and became the capital in 1882.  Across the harbour to the northwest lies Suvavou where the first Seventh-day Adventist church was established in 1899.  Today Suvavou is home to the Fiji Mission headquarters office.  Click here for an interesting, brief history of the Adventist church in Fiji.

For now we are making Suva our headquarters with its easy access to government and church leaders.  This is very valuable for the current phase of our mission project as we regularly need to be in contact with various leaders as we work towards bringing the Bush Hawk float plane into the country and begin operating the "Air" portion of "Miracle Air"!

Norman is continuing to work on the paperwork and proposal to secure a base from which we can work. The process is complicated, but we see progress and keep pressing on, knowing that our Heavenly Father goes before us to prepare the way. This week we plan to visit the second largest island in Fiji called Vanua Levu. We have learned of an Adventist mission clinic on the far eastern side of the island and we are looking forward to learning how they operate and hopefully working together with them in the future.

May God bless you as you seek to put Him first in your everyday lives as we look forward to that glorious day when Jesus comes again.  How wonderful it will be to gather before the eternal throne of the universe and start meeting the people who were instrumental in our salvation and those who met Jesus because we prayed, gave, worked or went wherever God called us.

Prayer Praises & Requests

We are so grateful for the ongoing evidences of God's leading and for the comfort of knowing that you are praying for us.  We so very much desire your prayers and invite you to remember these specific items:

We praise God for:

Please pray for:

May God continue to richly bless each one of you as we work together in preparation for Jesus' soon return.

Nancy & Norman Hansen