Hansen News

January 24, 2025

Our hearts are filled with gratitude as we write this newsletter. God has indeed heard our prayers and opened a way for us to return to the mission field. We are now scheduled to fly to the Philippines on February 15th... Continue reading.

December 4, 2024

As the year draws to an end we want to take advantage of this opportunity to thank you again for your love, prayers, and financial support. We had hoped that we would be writing this newsletter from Fiji but… Continue reading.

September 27, 2024

We're excited to share another newsletter and video update with you. A lot has been going on in the background and we praise God for consistent progress. The big question everyone is asking is when will we return to Fiji. We haven't purchased tickets yet but we are getting close... Continue reading.

April 28, 2024

If only airplanes could talk… the stories they would tell... Continue reading.

March 13, 2024

When we sent our last update on February 28, we were leaving for the beautiful island of Vanua Levu to visit an Adventist mission.  Vanua Levu, the second largest island in Fiji, is 46 kms north of our current home-base island of Viti Levu. We were so blessed by our visit to The Mission at Natuvu Creek.  Founded in 2000 by Drs. Thomas and Marta Tooma, the Mission hosts medical and dental mission trips for numerous groups each year.  Equipped with dental, medical and optometric units The Mission provides greatly-needed services for a growing number of locals who come for help.  Continue reading.

February 26, 2024

Greetings from Suva, the capital city of Fiji, on the beautiful island of Viti Levu.  Suva is a port city with British colonial architecture.  One of the largest urban centres of the South Pacific, Suva was founded in 1849 and became the capital in 1882... Continue reading.

January 20, 2024

So much has happened over the past several weeks and it's time for another update. Melanie and Steven returned to University in Tennessee just 2 weeks ago. It was such a blessing and encouragement to see them and they helped us create several videos and plan for our project here in Fiji. Continue reading.

December 31, 2023

What a year 2023 has been, as our daughter Melanie stated. It’s been both the best and worst year ever. Regardless of how we perceive the year to have gone, one thing is certain. Nothing that has happened this year was a surprise to our Heavenly Father. With that in mind we can look forward to the future knowing that if we keep our eyes fixed on Him and follow His leading we cannot fail... Continue reading.

November 18, 2023

If you're like most of the eight billion people on Planet Earth, you ride the roller coaster of life experiences and you know the exhilaration of things going well and the discouragement when things become unbearably difficult.  Growing up listening to and reading stories from the mission field, one could hardly be faulted for assuming that most missionaries are always at the top of the roller coaster.  Continue reading.

October 15, 2023

At the time of our last writing, Nancy was in Panama spending precious time with her mother, Nory Garcia Marenko de Ruiloba.  We are extra grateful she was able to go when she did, as there were only a few short weeks for her to spend before her dear mother fell asleep in Jesus on September 20th.  A touching funeral service was held on September 24 where we were able to share so many memories of Mom's life and her commitment to Jesus… Continue reading.

July 28, 2023

In our last newsletter we shared our plans to visit some of the South Pacific Islands. What a whirlwind of activity we’ve experienced since that time.  This update is so long overdue we’ll have to summarize to keep it from getting too long. Over the past months we have:

March 20, 2023

We praise God for the success of the dental mission and evangelistic campaign.  The entire project was a coordinated effort involving Bible workers, dental team, along with an evangelistic campaign. God blessed with many commitments to follow Jesus.

We have also begun a search for a location where our floatplane will be a wonderful blessing. You won't believe where God seems to be leading us... Continue reading.

The small group meeting at La Barra

Dental Evangelism

January 27, 2023

The dental mission trip and evangelistic campaign are quickly approaching. We are so excited about the impact this outreach will have in this remote region of Nicaragua. When we first started talking about the need for dental care in this region we made plans for 150 patients. As we talked with local health workers in the area we were told that we would be flooded with people requesting dental care  Continue reading.

MiracleAir 2022 Review

December 23, 2022

Teresa is a single mother with two children. During the recent hurricane her house was completely destroyed. We met her one day when we were in town and she showed us pictures of her fallen down house where they continue to live (see pictures). Can you imagine living in a house like this with your family?  Continue reading.

The Eye of the Hurricane

October 14, 2022

This will be a short but urgent update. We returned to Nicaragua just in time to experience Hurricane Julia, in fact we arrived at our home in Pearl Lagoon only the day before Julia, a category 1 hurricane slammed into the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua with sustained winds of 85 miles per hour.   Continue reading.

Returning to Nicaragua

September 20, 2022

In a few short days we will return to Nicaragua. We have been in Canada for the summer, reconnecting with donors, fundraising, and getting ready for another year in the mission field.  Continue reading.

A Short Break...

July 11, 2022

We returned to Canada the end of May and it's been wonderful to meet with family and enjoy time out on our quiet acreage together in Alberta, Canada. Even so, it's also been a very busy time for us. When we've been out of the country for an extended period of time there is always much to do to take care of personal business and get settled again.  Continue reading.

May 26, 2022

We have just arrived back in Canada after spending 16 months in Central America. As we reflect back, so much has happened during that time. We had no idea that Nancy would be diagnosed with both breast and thyroid cancer and undergo multiple surgeries. We continue to praise God that she remains cancer free.  Continue reading.

December 27, 2021

It was the morning of Christmas Eve and we were all tired and exhausted. We had arrived at our home in Pearl Lagoon, Nicaragua just the day before after a difficult 2 day drive from Costa Rica where Nancy had been having her post cancer medical checkups. Now Christmas was upon us and there was hardly any time to make the preparations we had wanted to do... Continue reading.

December 12, 2021

Where has the year gone? We are grateful that God has brought us through another year. Not only have we been working to begin an aviation ministry in Nicaragua, but we had to unite together as Nancy faced both breast and thyroid cancer with multiple surgeries taking place. The recovery has seemed slow at times, but we are so very grateful for the enduring peace that God gives us and for all of you who have prayed so faithfully for us. As we write this letter we are in Costa Rica where Nancy is having cancer follow up appointments and we are praising God that she remains cancer free. Continue reading.

Unto the Least of these...

October 2021

There he was again, leaning on his undersized crutches between the cars at the intersection. He was one of many hundreds of beggars we had seen in Managua over the past months. Like many of them, Jorge had staked out a spot at an intersection where he would stand everyday as the cars went by. With so many people begging, you can imagine what a drive across the city is like... Continue reading.

Another Surgery!

August 13, 2021

We’re sure you’ll agree that sometimes it’s difficult to understand why things happen the way they do, but it’s so nice to know that God has a masterplan and we can trust Him to lead. We had no way of knowing that 2021 would be so challenging health-wise for Nancy. If you’ve been following our story you know that Nancy had surgery for breast cancer in March while we were in Nicaragua. In May we came to Costa Rica so Nancy could have additional treatments as she was struggling with various complications from the surgery. Unbelievably, we were shocked to discover that Nancy also had thyroid cancer. On August 9th, Nancy again had surgery and we are so thankful that she is continuing to recover.  Continue reading.

Healing & Recovery

May 2021

We know that many of you have been praying for us, especially with the health crisis that Nancy has been facing. Thank you so very much, these prayers have been our life line and continue to sustain us. For those that may not be aware... Continue reading.

Past Newsletters