Blessings & Challenges
November 13, 2023
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
Romans 8:18
Dear Friends of MiracleAir,
If you're like most of the eight billion people on Planet Earth, you ride the roller coaster of life experiences and you know the exhilaration of things going well and the discouragement when things become unbearably difficult. Growing up listening to and reading stories from the mission field, one could hardly be faulted for assuming that most missionaries are always at the top of the roller coaster.
Missionaries are human. Missionaries are special targets. Missionaries do battle with principalities and powers (Ephesians 6:12). Sometimes in hand-to-hand combat. And not necessarily in their destination country.
You may remember that back in April when we returned to Canada from Nicaragua to prepare for launching to Fiji, we discovered our travel trailer and storage units vandalized and robbed. Honestly, that was a huge struggle. Not just for us, but for our children. We spent weeks dealing with all the issues from clean-up to insurance, to healing and seeking God for a spirit of forgiveness. We were in a foggy valley!
We thank God for the sunny days we enjoyed through the summer as we met friends and supporters during our travels to Campmeeting and ASI and local churches.
Then, losing Nancy's mother and all the complicating factors connected to that, certainly found us in some cloudy days and created more delays. We are grateful for the support of friends and family through that dark season.
Late October we were able to move our travel trailer to a more secure location and had secured the storage units with a triple locking system. However, our lives were again turned upside down when we discovered on Friday, November 3, that thieves had again targeted our storage units. This was and extremely dark time for us. Knowing that the thieves would return we decided to spend the next three nights by our storage units until we could move all our remaining belongings to a safer place. The first night at 2:00 AM we observed a truck with a search light scanning the area close to where we were parked. We thank God for protecting us during those cold dark hours, and for the beautiful Aurora Borealis He blessed us with very early one morning.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10
God sent this group of Angels to help move everything to a safe location.
Just before the break-in was discovered we received the most amazing & encouraging news from our friends in Nicaragua. Our humble Bible worker, Ezekiel, had been diligently going up and down the rivers and lagoons in the little boat we provided for him that he calls "El Titanico". His goal was to encourage the believers in that area, conduct Bible studies, and gather the people together on Sabbath. Somehow the Mission President learned about his work and these believers and decided to visit this remote area to see the work for himself. As brother Ezekiel took the mission president to meet the believers in the various villages, he was impressed that more needed to be done. The mission has now created a new district and assigned a pastor to this region. We were so happy to learn they chose a pastor we had worked with in the Northeastern part of the country and we knew him to be a dedicated and sincere man of God.
"El Titanico" transporting Bible workers in Nicaragua
This experience has again brought us face to face with the enemy and we know that without the power of God working in and for us, we are doomed! But thank God, He also gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57).
Clearly this second break-in has caused additional delay in our plans, but as God clears the way for us, we continue our journey towards Fiji. There is still much to be done before departure, but we are seeking God's will and we know He will never leave us nor forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:8) Norman has been flying and preparing for his Instrument Proficiency Check that will take place November 29. Then a week later we will depart for Fiji.
Thank you for your prayers and support as we begin this new phase of mission service. We truly appreciate your prayers for ourselves, for our children, and for our mission. Please let us know if there is something you would like us to pray for in your life as well.
May God bless each of you as you seek His will in your lives.
Prayer Requests & Praises
We praise God for:
His promise that He will never leave us or forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:8)
The faithful Bible worker and pastor that are working on the coast of Nicaragua. We pray they will be encouraged.
The love and support of each one of you who encourage us through every challenge that we have faced.
We now have tickets for Fiji!!! Leaving Canada December 6th.
Please pray for:
Faith to trust God's leading in this new phase of mission work.
Our children who are all studying at university this year. That He will protect their minds and hearts as they prepare their lives for service.
The sale of our small utility trailer in Nicaragua so the proceeds can be used to support the Bible work on the Caribean coast.
Norman's Instrument Proficiency Check ride and aviation medical.
Our upcoming trip to Fiji.
May God continue to richly bless each one of you as we work together in preparation for Jesus' soon return.
Nancy & Norman Hansen & Family