First Steps In Fiji

January 20, 2024

 Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

Psalm 34:8

Dear Friends,
So much has happened over the past several weeks and it's time for another update. Melanie and Steven returned to University in Tennessee just 2 weeks ago. It was such a blessing and encouragement to see them and they helped us create several videos and plan for our project here in Fiji. Watch our video newsletter for all the details...

As always, we want to thank each one of you who continue to pray and support us financially. God knows our every need so we have nothing to fear for the future. We encourage each one of you to remain faithful to Him as we each take up our cross and follow Him.

Prayer Requests & Praises

We praise God for:

Please pray for:

May God continue to richly bless each one of you as we work together in preparation for Jesus' soon return.

Nancy & Norman Hansen