A Short Break
July 11, 2022
I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.
Genesis 9:13
Dear Friends,
We returned to Canada the end of May and it's been wonderful to meet with family and enjoy time out on our quiet acreage together in Alberta, Canada. Even so, it's also been a very busy time for us. When we've been out of the country for an extended period of time there is always much to do to take care of personal business and get settled again.
Unfortunately, Nancy's 94 year old grandmother, who has been living in Panama with Nancy's parents recently fell and they are no longer able to care for her as Nancy's mother is still receiving cancer treatments. We have just returned from an unexpected trip to Panama to take Grandma to the States where she has several sons who will be able to help care for her as she has been in a lot of pain since she fell. Her family has all contributed to cover the expenses of this trip.
Now that we are once again back in Canada, we plan to attend the Alberta camp meeting near Bowden mid July 15 to July 23 and we look forward to seeing many of you. Then in August we will be traveling to Orlando, Florida to attend the ASI convention where we hope to meet with as many of you as possible. From there we'll take Melanie to Southern Adventist University in Tennessee where she will begin her first year of University studying elementary education. While there we plan to have a presentation at the Cohutta SDA Church on August 13 as they have been very active in supporting students on the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua. From there it's back to Canada to prepare for another year in Nicaragua.
As we close this letter we want to share with you a hymn that Nancy’s grandmother has been singing over and over, entitled “It May be at Morn”.
It may be at morn, when the day is awakening,
When sunlight through darkness and shadow is breaking,
That Jesus will come in the fullness of glory,
To receive from the world "His own."
O Lord Jesus, how long, how long
Ere we shout the glad song,
Christ returneth!
Hallelujah! hallelujah!
Amen, Hallelujah! Amen.
It’s difficult to see our loved ones suffering but we look forward to that day when God will wipe away every tear and there will be no more pain, sickness or death.
We sincerely thank each one of you for your prayers and support. God has been so very gracious to us and we are blessed to be able to continue serving Him.
Continuing Prayer Request
Please continue to pray that this year we will be granted permission for this beautiful red floatplane come to Nicaragua. We know that God's timing is always perfect. There are lots of complexities involved in this happening so we ask you to pray everyday that God will open the doors so this plane can be serving the people along the remote eastern coast of Nicaragua very soon!
Ways you can help
The most important support you can give us is to pray for us. Ask that we can be filled by the Holy Spirit and follow his divine leading. What an encouragement it is when we are told that we are prayed for EVERY day.
MiracleAir plans to support a local missionary over a 6 month period that would work in the communities surrounding Pearl Lagoon. The missionary would receive a salary of $250 per month and we would budget an additional $250 per month that can be used for travel and conducting evangelism. Our goal is to raise $3000 for this 6 month outreach project.
Your faithful monthly financial support is the only way we are able to stay in the mission field. Please consider giving even a small donation on a monthly basis. Setup a Monthly Donation
Prayer Requests & Praises
We praise God for:
Our safe return to Canada and the opportunity to recharge and reconnect with supporters
The impact we've been able to have in Nicaragua as a family over the past year and a half and for the impact that Melanie has had as a student missionary with the various dental missions she has been a part of.
Please pray for:
MiracleAir as we make plans for the upcoming year.
Flight permissions to be granted in Nicaragua. We continue to make this an earnest matter of prayer, we pray that God will open the door soon!
Our plans to sponsor a local missionary for 6 months in the rural communities on the Caribbean Coast.
Melanie as she enters her first year at Southern Adventist University studying elementary education.
Our son Andie as he continues to study at the University of Alberta.
Thank you, once again, to each one of you who love and care for us. We are honored to be working with you in God’s mission field.
Nancy & Norman Hansen
Project Managers & Founders